Thursday, August 12, 2010

Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943 – Plog Photo Blog

Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943 – Plog Photo Blog: "Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943
Posted Jul 26, 2010

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These images, by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, are some of the only color photographs taken of the effects of the Depression on America’s rural and small town populations. The photographs are the property of the Library of Congress and were included in a 2006 exhibit Bound for Glory: America in Color."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Update on Belt Mystery

Turns out, boring, it's from my colleague-in-Tanzania's mother-in-law. His son left the belt at grandma's house. Just in case anyone was still following this story.

Freelancing for Big Pharma

I just submitted an article that Bayer asked me to write for their Public Health Journal. Mama needs a new couch!

It was fun, though, and good for the writing exercise. I do feel significantly more confident about tackling actual articles for peer-review now, so the benefits are more than monetary.

I don't think it will count towards Josh's and my race to publish first, that's still on!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is someone trying to tell me something?

I got a package at work from Kathy Kling of Canton Ohio.

I don't know Kathy, but I opened it.

Inside was a boy's black web belt, with a gray dragon pattern on it. The belt appears to have originated in China, via Target.

It is too small.

What the what?!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wordless Weekend

Because I'm lazy writing an article and not supposed to be having fun in the evenings: a slideshow.

It was delicious!

If you were one of the photographers, or just interested in seeing all 200+ photos in their gory (and cute, depending on the subject) detail - you may visit the full photo album.