Sunday, December 12, 2010


I readily admit to being a salt fiend. And I much admire this description, from Thomas Keller, of how things (not just chicken) should be salted:

"Coarse salt has a good texture of large grains that makes it easy to calibrate how much salt you’re putting on the chicken; sprinkle it from up high, so that it falls like snow."

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Buffalo Gnocchi

I found this companion video for the Swedish Chef. Double feature below:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is it so much to ask

That the hotel have an outlet near the bed? Near enough so that you can sit, in bed, comfortably with your back against some pillows and the headboard, so that you can work until midnight without your computer dying?

No apparently at the STAR MAX Hotel in Mwanza you must do your work sitting on the bed underneath the hanging TV stand, or lying on your stomach, or (eureka moment last night at 10:15pm), sit on the pillows with your back against the bed, feet on the bathmat, computer happily percolating.

Also, this coffeemachine is supposedly the best ever for summer houses in Maine.

Monday, December 6, 2010

More crazy dreams

Greetings from Mwanza, Tanzania, known as "Rock City" for its large boulders dotting the hillsides of this Lake Victoria town. Looming deadlines abound for the development of a full training manual on Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and for the package of print and radio materials that will support the spray campaign, which starts in mid-January.

I dreamed last night that I had a baby, and to keep it warm I put it in a low oven. When I came back an hour later he had turned into cornbread.

This may be linked to our plans to make gingerbread houses later this week. Or maybe not.