Saturday, November 12, 2011


It's Saturday in Accra, and a number of things were accomplished this morning; sending out minutes, writing up selection memos for a new study, finalizing workplan and budget for Mali. I was supposed to head out and go fabric shopping (for fabric and dresses I do not need) with a very kind lady, but (to my shy-person's relief) she bailed on me. So instead, left with the whole afternoon, I began falling into the internet.

The Family Circus dotted-line map of my playtime goes something like this:

 need a new carry-on bag because the handle on my current Samsonite busted, but Samsonite has crappy warranty so must look for better warranty, Osprey and Eagle Creek are recommended, okie dokie, what size, do they fit all my stuff, this is impossible to know until I try to pack it, but I will spend 1 hour flitting about and looking at packing cubes regardless. Ding ding Josh completed a task with Orchestra, which beeps me to let me know, this is such a good feature! and then I look at all the pregnancy things that must be done, and then get concerned about biking while pregnant, so research that for another hour, reading about ladies in nice flat empty midwestern towns who have cute old raleighs and huge bellies. Avoid thinking about how I will get around if biking is not an option. Then look for dad hack and mom hack and parent hack blogs and find things that might be useful, someday, you know, if this pregnancy produces a child, which at this point, chances are fairly good that it will. Eat some dried apricots and do a little laundry (after leaving it to soak in the sink since before lunch, which was oatmeal made using my electric kettle in my room, genius). Flit between looking at baby items on Amazon and a post from Rookie Moms about secondhand baby showers, which sounds right up my alley (and also involved complicated excel spreadsheets, my speciality!). Wonder if my colleague will ever get back to me about working on our project this afternoon. Feel guilty I have not actually made it into the pool since I got here despite having plenty of free time. Check out my 'bump' in the mirror and determine that while a very little something is there, most of what people are seeing is my inflated intestines. Debate sending an email to my PhD supervisor informing him of impending Baby. Decide to wait. Realize for the millionth time since Baby and PhD have become official that I am a crazylady.

 lalalalala. and so it goes. Perhaps I can save some of the afternoon by finally reading those supervision guidelines and sending in comments. Gah.