Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Interns dropping like flies

After a terrible terrible 3/4 of the day things actually aren't so bad. No, we don't have the super awesome francophone intern I thought fer-sure would take our career-boosting internship, nor do we have the backup candidate because I said 'sorry!' to her before hearing back from our first choice. Nor do we know what the hell we're doing now that Kim's gone, and we sure don't have any other photos for our Africa Malaria Day photo exhibit besides Net Company #1's (beautiful, gorgeous, amazing) shots. But Net Company #2 is supposed to call me, and there are always more suckers looking for internships, and even when you think someone is ignoring you, maybe they are just busy watching DVDs and don't realize that you're all stressed out because, hey, did you say you were stressed out? So how are they supposed to know?

So I haven't quite failed yet although we're getting pretty close. I like living on the edge. Keeps me humble.

Plus did I mention my bike is HOTT? Pics soon, I promise.

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