Friday, May 25, 2007

No, really, Mt. Blanc

On Saturday I went out with Bonnie, our new teammate, Valentina from WHO and Mark from Global Fund. Mark paraglides off his mountain every day after work. It was free winetasting day in Geneva so we hit three vineyards, one of which also made absinthe. When we walked in the absinthe-maker was playing a waltz on this horn.

We had lunch and some excellent gelato in a lake town, Annecy, in France, then headed for Chamonix to see Mount Blanc. My mother doesn't believe the mountain really exists because she's never seen it and I'm sure these pictures won't convince her either.

Can you see the badass climber in the rocks in the foreground?

Betcher wondering how the heck we got all the way up there anyhow.

It was a totally awesome day and then Mark made me buy two quickdraws at the gear shop, as souvenirs. I was being practical and didn't want to pay in euros what I could get them for in dollars back home with my REI discount, but he was very convincing, I guess that's how he managed to distribute like 30 million mosquito nets in one year.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... there is still some snow left...I thought that it all melted.
    Looks beautiful.
