Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good news

Having a root canal was not so bad, and now I have almost no pain. Am keeping my fingers crossed that this actually works.

Last night I got invited over the bike messenger bbq across the alley. It was super fun. As I walked in everyone was like hey, the Peugeot girl with the moustache handlebars!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Vino, you stupid cow

PAU, France, July 25 — Alexander Vinokourov, the Kazakh cyclist who was considered the favorite to win the Tour de France this year and who has won two stages of the race so far, tested positive for an autologous blood transfusion and his Astana team will abandon the tour, a team official said Tuesday.

Rest of the story here:

Dumbass. Velonews gives a little more detail, including David Millar's reaction ("Jesus Christ....this makes me want to cry.").

"Hardcore Commuter"

Of course I am not doing work at the moment but instead using the lightning fast internet at work to shop for tires (did not know how hard it was going to be to find skinny tires for 27" rims!). And I visit the Soma site, since they are totally awesome in every way, especially these cool steel-core tire levers.

Anyway. I'm looking at the Xpress Tires just for kicks, and I see the description:
We wanted an urban tire that was flat resistant AND also gave an excellent ride. A splendid tire for the AIDS Ride. Messengers and hardcore commuters should try them, too.

And I realize - I am a hardcore commuter! What a perfect description of my totally lame 2 mile commute through stupid traffic and monster potholes, skating over broken glass and treacherous jettisoned trash. I don't have to feel bad about not being as tough as those messenger guys, but nor do I have to stay in the ranks of the average bike commuter, pedaling a heavy hybrid or mountain bike down bike lanes, laden with panniers. I am in that happy medium of speed and agility and short distances, every day.

Cecilia, our new roommate

She has braces so isn't smiling very big. She's 23, from Bolivia, and doing a Masters in Psych.

User Fees

User fees are a tough issue. You want to get people to pay a bit, so that they value the service they are getting at the health center and so the health center can have a bit of income with which to run programs or supplement salaries. But finding the right price is tricky. I read the Ashraf article when it came out a few months ago and it seems like Clorin is an ideal product to charge a bit for - it's dirt cheap. But you just can't charge 18 cents for a bednet.

From CDG Blog:

One of the most controversial subjects in global health is the topic of user fees for health services and commodities. Ever since Nancy Birdsall, David de Ferranti and John Akin declined to rule out user fees as a useful source of health financing way back in 1987, the World Bank has been pilloried for "advocating user fees" in the health sector, which the Bank has never done. By setting out explicit criteria for setting user fees in the 2004 World Development Report, the Bank resisted continuing political pressure to ban them outright and further fueled the debate. Among the donors, DFID (see also this white paper) has most adamantly rejected user fees as either effective or legitimate for improving access to health care by the poor. On the other hand, the social marketing of health care commodities, from condoms to antibiotics, is increasingly popular among actors such as PSI and KfW and presumes that the optimal price of these commodities, while heavily subsidized, is not free.

The obvious argument against user fees is based on the fundamental economic proposition that demand curves slope downward* - e.g. that the number of people willing to purchase a product or service declines as its price increases. It follows that lower prices should result in more health care utilization than higher prices, and that zero prices would be even better. However, a fascinating new study by Nava Ashraf, James Berry, and Jesse Shapiro of the market for home water purification solution in Zambia finds that in fact demand curves seem to flatten out as the price approaches zero, and may even slope upward - or, in plain English, that the act of paying a small amount (up to 18 cents, in this case) actually increases use over distributing Clorin free of charge.

The authors posit two reasons why people might behave contrary to the simple law of demand. First, the price effectively targets the distribution of the health commodity to those least likely to waste it. Second, people who have paid more for a product may have a greater psychological commitment to using it. They find strong statistical support for the first of these effects and weak support for the second.

If these results could be generalized to other health commodities, like bednets to prevent malaria, or to health services such as curative health clinic visits, the suggestion would be that sufficiently small user fees do little to discourage utilization; they might even increase it by stimulating the supply of health care quantity and quality. Although 18 cents - the highest price that can be charged for Clorin in Zambia without reducing utilization - seems like a tiny sum to people in rich countries, this would be enough to substantially motivate a distributor of a health commodity such as bednets or condoms, and a similarly small sum might help fill a financing gap in health clinics.

Obviously, this has huge implications for policymakers in developing countries, where cutting subsidies could actually improve overall health outcomes while motivating both public and private providers at the periphery of health care systems. Let's hope that the debate on user fees for health care is enriched by more such randomized controlled studies and that they look in more detail at supply and financing effects as well as demand-side effects.

*As an aside, the existence of upward-sloping demand curves has actually been in the news a lot this week due to recent evidence proving the heretofore purely theoretical case of Giffen goods.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Interviewing Roommates

I'm at Dizzie's last night and talking about the weirdness that is our roommate search (i.e. Edith has interviewed someone before I have! In Bolivia!). Ian, being British and having an affinity for Scotland, brought up Shallow Grave, which came out in the early 90's, before Trainspotting (same people). There's a famous roommate interview scene which I will shamelessly post here. The movie ends quite badly for everyone but it is an icon for students of a certain age, especially those in my current situation.

Shallow Grave

Final Draft Screenplay


John Hodge

Typed and HTMLed by "Greg Adkins"


A blurred image forms on a white screen. A horizontal strip of
face, eyes motionless and unblinking.

Take trust, for instance, or friendship: these are the important
things in life, the things that matter, that help you on your
way. If you can't trust your friends, well, what then?


A series of fast-cut static scenes of empty streets.

This could have been any city: they're all the same.

A rapid, swerving track along deserted streets and down narrow
lanes and passageways. Accompanied by soundtrack and credits.

The track ends outside a solid, fashionable Edinburgh tenement.


At the door of a flat on the third floor of the tenement. The
door is dark, heavy wood and on it is a plastic card embossed
with the names of three tenants. They are Alex Law, David
Stevens, and Juliet Miller.

A man climbs the stairs and reaches the door. He is Cameron
Clarke, thin and in his late twenties with a blue anorak and
lank, greasy hair. He is carrying an awkwardly bulky plastic bag.
Cameron gives the doorbell an ineffectual ring and then stands
back, shifting nervously from foot to foot until the door is

Hello, I've come about the room.

Cameron enters and the door closes.


David, Alex, and Juliet sit in a line on the sofa directly
opposite Cameron, who shifts uneasily in his armchair. Alex
checks some items on a clipboard before speaking.

What's his name?

I don't know -- Campbell or something?




(to Juliet)

That's right.

(to Cameron)

Cameron is not sure what to say.

Well, Cameron, are you comfortable?

Yes, thanks.

Good. Well, you've seen the flat?


And you like it?

Oh, yes, it's great.

Yes. It is, isn't it? We alllike it. And the room's nice too,
don't you think?


Spacious, quiet, bright, well appointed, all that sort of stuff,
all that crap.

Well, yes.

So tell me, Cameron, what on earth -- just tell me, because I
want to know -- what on earth could make you think that we would
want to share a flat like this with someone like you?


As Cameron plods slowly down the stairs, his shoes striking out
against the stone steps, Alex's criticisms continue.


I mean, my first impression, and they're rarely wrong, is that
you have none of the qualities that we would normally seek in a
prospective flatmate. I'm talking here about things like
presence, charisma, style and charm, and I don't think we're
being unreasonable. Take David here, for instance: a chartered
accountant he may be, but at least he tries hard. The point is, I
don't think you're even trying.

Cameron has reached the bottom of the stairs. He opens the main

And, Cameron -- I mean this -- good luck!

Cameron leaves and the main door closes behind him.

Do you think he was upset?


Inside the hall of the flat, David approaches the door toopen it.

David likes to keep spareshoelaces in sorted pairs in a box
marked, not just shoelaces', but spare shoelaces'.

David opens the door to the Woman.

I've come to see about the room.


Outside the door of the flat a young Goth girl, aged about
twenty, rings the doorbell.


Inside the hall of the flat Alex approaches the door to open it.

Alex is a vegetarian. Do you know why? Because he feels it
provides an interesting counterpoint to his otherwise callous
personality. It doesn't. He thinks he's the man for me. He isn't,
though there was a time when, well, there was a time when...

Alex opens the door to the Goth.

I've come about the room.


At the door of the flat a Man aged about thrity-five rings the


Inside the hall of the flat Juliet approaches the door to open
it. Freeze-frame.

Like one of those stupid posters -- you know, a gorilla cuddling
a hedgehog, caption love hurts --- that's what I think when I
think of Juliet.

Juliet opens the door to the Man.

I've come about the room.


In the living room each of the candidates is interviewed
individually with the same seating arrangements as before (i.e.
the trio on the sofa and the applicant on the chair). What we see
are briskly intercut excerpts from each of these interviews. We
do not get the responses to the questions, although we may see
some facial reaction.

All of David's questions are to the Woman.

All of Alex's questions are to the Goth.

All of Juliet's questions are to the Man.

All right, just a few questions.

I'd like to ask you about your hobbies.

Why do you want a room here?

Do you smoke?

When you slaughter a goat and wrench its heart out with your bare
hands, do you then summon hellfire?

I mean, what are you actually doing here? What is the hidden

Do a little freebasemaybe, from time to time?

Or maybe just phone out for a pizza?

Look, it's a fairly straightforward question. You're either
divorced or you're not.

OK, I'm going to play you just a few seconds of this tape -- I'd
like you to name the song, the lead singer and the three hit
singles subsequently recorded by him with another band.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of
black to wear?

Now, let me get this straight. This affair that you're not
having, is it not with a man or not with a woman?

Turning very briefly to the subject of corporate finance -- no,
this is important. Leveraged buy-outs -- a good thing or a bad

With which of the following figures do you most closely identify:
Joan of Arc, Eva Braun or Marilyn Monroe?

It's just that you strike me as a man trapped in a crisis of
emotional direction, afflicted by a realization that the partner
of your dreams is, quite simply, just that.

Did you ever kill a man?

And when did anyone last say to you these exact words: You are
the sunshine of my life'?

OK, so A has left you, B is ambivalent, you're still seeing C but
D is the one you yearn for. What are we to make of this? If I
were you, I'd ditch the lot. There's a lot more letters in the
alphabet of love.

And what if I told you that I was the antichrist?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Feeling lame

Shit. Now I'm in one of those funks where I'm sad I'm not 26 with a brilliant job and married to an equally brilliant and clever person. I suppose this only gets worse as one gets older.

Emily Oster at TED

How HIV and life expectancy are correlated (given malaria burden...which I'm not sure about, since reduced life expectancy in high malaria areas is because lots of small kids are dying, bringing down the average); Uganda's coffee production vs ABC campaign as reason for its reduced incidence rate in the 90s; risks of rapid economic growth for spread of HIV. This is why I love economics!

Monday, July 16, 2007


Mr Mwesigye said if NMS predicts the expired drugs, they supply the relevant information to the third party programmes but most of them fail to respond to save them.

from Uganda: Shs3.7 Billion Malaria, ARV Drugs Rot in National Medical Stores

The Monitor (Kampala)

12 July 2007

$1900 WHAT?

Just talked to my dentist, since I still have (more) pain in the tooth, my bite is off, and my jaw is still sore from novocaine. Apparently the latter two are normal/on purpose. Fine. He's still hot to take out the tooth and I'm pretty annoyed by now and wondering if that's just the best option. Get rid of the whole thing which he's injured beyond repair thanks to his needless drilling on that infintessimate cavity.

I asked about costs and steps and he said extraction will run about 150-300 if they don't knock me out, and insurance will cover most. Apparently insurance companies want people to be toothless, because they don't cover implants. Like, we're just supposed to gum our food? Go around with huge gaps in our molars? I kind of need that tooth to you know, crush things and extract nutrients. Seriously. So what would it cost?

$1900 for implant placement, roughly.

Probably more. That doesn't even include the crown, which apparently I have already put $200 down on.

$2500 for a fucking cleaning. After this is over I swear I'm never going to another dentist ever again.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I can't wait to move

I am so excited I almost started packing today. I got as far as making three garbage bags full of clothes and shoes to take to the donation place. And I looked at Ikea online to see what kind of furniture we might have to get.

Bike update:

Blue Peugeot: still don't have the right size bearings, but now suspect I need 5/32" for the bottom race based on the headset in another 70's mixte at the coop. I did manage to steal the top bearing retainer and I just ordered ball bearings so I am hoping on Wednesday I can finally put this headset together. I have the cranks, the chain is coming, and I will use the old wheels until I get the itch to either build a 27" inch rear wheel (with cog I also picked up at the coop) or redish those heavy, heavy, steel wheels from Mom's bike. The latter will be pretty unlikely.

White Peugeot (PR-10): I ordered a plain chrome fork online and a cheap but solid headset. I'll have to take it in to get the cups reinstalled but that should also happen this week. I still need a stem that will fit but that shouldn't be too hard.

New Gorgeous Chrome/Blue Italian Mystery Bike: It's beautiful. And Speedy. The brake levers were set too low and they are too big for my hands (but they are drilled and so pretty!) so I ordered some compact Tektro levers that won't look quite as nice but will be much safer, along with new brake pads. The current ones are from 1985 and were never more than 'speed modulators' anyway. I like the drops but uh, kinda need the brakes to work pretty good if I'm gonna ride it in B'more.

Nishiki: Is doing quite well, thanks very much, and is enjoying going to work almost every day. The moustache bars are so perfect for city biking.

I saw Harry Potter V this weekend and it was pretty entertaining. This of course is the one where Harry is all full of teenage angst and hormones, so he's pretty annoying most of the film, but it was a lovely time in the lovely old Senator Saturday night, with a participatory crowd.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


From the folks who brought you the Zidane "Coup de Boule' music video...I laugh heartily.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sean and Marin YAY

Sean and Marin got engaged woo hoo!!!

Sometimes I am not so excited about other people getting engaged. But I am excited for them. And not just because, as Bryan says, there will be an open bar.
Two days after proposing Sean rode his first fixie in Boston and fell off. This is it. His brother-in-law built it and someone posted it as "Seen in Boston" on fixedgeargallery.org. Don't worry, Sean's ok.

Rocks State Park

Rocks State Park was great!

I sent Strawberry Jam no problem. And Martin took pictures.

And then I came down.

And then we went to the swimmin' hole.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Only One Bathroom?

Damn. 3047 Guilford only has one bathroom. I just know that'll be a problem for three girls.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Alleycat Results

Where's H?

More bikes

I accidentally on purpose won a new bike on Ebay. Check out those chrome lugs and that sweet fork! Hopefully I can make a bunch of the money back selling the components. Or else I will just save them for a rainy day when I want to turn the bike back into a lean mean racing machine.

I also claimed a blue Peugeot UO-8 at Velocipede, for free. It looks like this:

I will probably fix it and sell it.

Walking to work

I always prefer to ride my bike, but my fixie died and it is raining today anyway, so today I took the shuttle and walked from Mt. Vernon. It is always great to have the iPod in, listening to my new (and old) favorite songs with the Baltimore soundscape in the background. Ambulance sirens dopplering into sight and then into the distance, the mobile Shred-It trucks munching up paper near the hospital, construction trucks beepbeepbeeping as they reverse into a narrow delivery zone. The sights are nice too, like the crew of three Latino guys down in a hole working on a gas line, while their supervisor leans up against the backhoe chatting on his cellphone with his chica, smiling broadly and glancing down occasionally at his men. Or watching the broad back of the maintenance guy walking ahead of me in a grey tshirt, thinking, man, that guy looks just like a meathead. And I bet if he hit you, you would fall down.

I love Baltimore.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

28ish Calvert "Bi-level"

This place is only $1350 with a bedroom and kitchen on the first floor, and two bedrooms and living room on the second floor. A little awkward, and the pictures show it after the two college boys were evicted, but it will have all new windows, all doors replaced, the floors will be sanded and polyurethaned, the closets all fixed up with their rods and doors, and a professional cleaning (all trash including icky carpets will be tossed). An interesting layout with two staircases!

1st floor bedroom

2nd floor bedroom (back)

One of two (!) full baths

2nd floor living room

Master bedroom

27-ish Calvert "Architects"

Just a few doors down another couple is moving away. They are architects and their house is very similarly gorgeous. But the basement will be quite small after they wall it off to protect tenants from the lead paint. They are also willing to rent for 1700.

27-ish Calvert "Memphis"

The owners of this house are moving to Memphis and are seriously, the cutest, best-looking, nicest couple I have ever met. I can't get over how chill and sweet they are. Anyway, they want to rent their place for 1700 and here are the pictures:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Boy, they suck you dry in public health don't they?

So I'm on the phone with a real estate agent a friend used to buy her house, a woman up in the really-huge-house area of town who I've been assured is 'nice despite the inch-thick foundation and raccoon mascara'. She asks my salary and I tell her and this is her response: "Boy they really suck you dry in public health don't they? I mean you got starving artists, starving musicians, and starving malaria people!"

I've been recommended for a promotion but still have no hope of buying a cute place in a nice neighborhood until I attach myself to another wage earner. Stupid housing bubble.

Better to go in early

I was biking in to work around 12:45 yesterday after my dentist appointment (only a crown! my teeth are safe for the moment!) and as I approached the big police building on Guilford and North Ave, I saw yellow police tape and news crews and few cruisers. I ride up to investigate and the captain is about to make a statement for the tv news guys. "Two victims, both male, both in critical condition with gunshot wounds."

Here is the story in the Baltimore Sun.

Please note the paragraph where the police have time machines:
Police officials have said that the neighborhood has seen a surge in violence connected to gang activity. Arrests had been made in at least two of the slayings before yesterday's incident.

It's written by our favorite investigative crime guy, Gus Sentementes. Go Gus!

Yes, Mom and Dad, I am careful. This is why I don't ride at night.