Monday, July 16, 2007

$1900 WHAT?

Just talked to my dentist, since I still have (more) pain in the tooth, my bite is off, and my jaw is still sore from novocaine. Apparently the latter two are normal/on purpose. Fine. He's still hot to take out the tooth and I'm pretty annoyed by now and wondering if that's just the best option. Get rid of the whole thing which he's injured beyond repair thanks to his needless drilling on that infintessimate cavity.

I asked about costs and steps and he said extraction will run about 150-300 if they don't knock me out, and insurance will cover most. Apparently insurance companies want people to be toothless, because they don't cover implants. Like, we're just supposed to gum our food? Go around with huge gaps in our molars? I kind of need that tooth to you know, crush things and extract nutrients. Seriously. So what would it cost?

$1900 for implant placement, roughly.

Probably more. That doesn't even include the crown, which apparently I have already put $200 down on.

$2500 for a fucking cleaning. After this is over I swear I'm never going to another dentist ever again.

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