Monday, September 10, 2007

IPTc PhD hey sure, why not

So I see Ogo, the director of the Malian Research Center on Malaria drinking coffee by himself and since he's one of my targets I go up and introduce myself. We get to talking about the severe malaria in E vs W Africa, because they're quite different - even within Mali you get different rates of cerebral vs severe anemia as signs of severe malaria. Next thing I know he's explaining school-based IPTc (preventive treatment in kids) and saying how it would be a great PhD thesis for me since I speak French and Bambara and know Mali, blah blah blah. He's half pulling my leg (he doesn't know my background) but it could probably happen if I wanted it to.

Next presentation we hear about IPTpd (post-discharge) where you give kids ACTs at 1, 2, 3 and 6 months after they're discharged to prevent severe anemia (the major problem in E Africa). Tomorrow we get all the updates on IPTi (infants). I just wonder when we're going to hear about IPTa (all adults). Just give drugs, all the time, and then you know, people won't get sick! Amazing.

It's sunny and breezy out today and I think I might go to the botanical garden.

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