Sunday, November 18, 2007

Comp and the weekend

The climbing comp yesterday was fun except for the part where I was trying this rad move involving a low pocket undercling with my left ring and middle fingers, pushing down with my feet so I could get up to a nice flat sloper with my right, and something popped in my left wrist. It was pretty much curtains after that. Not too much pain, but a sense of weakness in the wrist, and pain all up the forearm to the ring finger. I climbed a few more things but couldn't finish any of them, though I did enjoy the slab route. Sean did really really well, sending a bunch of 11's, and ended up fourth overall, only missing the finals by - well, ok, a lot, but only because VJ, Ben, and the kid from Loyala are crazy good and can onsight 5.12. That means climb it the first time without falling or having any prior tips on how to do it.

So it's rest for me and the wrist and perhaps a trip to urgent care on Wednesday before mom comes into town just to make sure it doesn't need to be immobilized or something. I tweaked it again opening the car door (an undercling, technically) and it aches. I guess going to Mali for three weeks and not climbing through the holidays will be the best thing for it, but it bums me out.

A sort of frustrating continuation to some other things, including boots getting stolen (or misdelivered) off our porch, the treadmill not having its startup key, and not being able to install Windows on my mac this weekend so that I can use our new trial mapping software. Nothing major really. And offset by lots of good hanging out time all weekend and my free Prana jeans I won in the comp raffle. They are size L, but fit pretty good, and hopefully I can shrink them a bit in the wash.

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