Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hit by Car

Friday morning I was rounding one of the last corners into work, where I have a stop sign and turn left into a small alley usually devoid of cars. Instead a car was speeding through, fast enough so that he wasn't there in the reflection in the large window opposite me that I use to check traffic, but then there he was when I went through the intersection. I thought I would make it somehow and he hit my left leg, knocking the bike sideways. I tore out of my toeclips and fell on my front teeth and the front of my helmet, rolling to the far curb.

My leg hurt a lot but at this point I still thought he'd hit my rear wheel. I could move my toes and didn't think it was broken. The guy, a detective, called an ambulance. His cop buddies came over from the police station a block away with some gauze. A big fire truck came with some medics. The ambulance arrived. My friend Chris from work was walking by when the accident happened and stayed till they took me away. My leg kept hurting and in the ambulance Sean and Dennis gave me some morphine and splinted both my ankles, there was a small scrape on my right one too that I hadn't noticed. My lip was cut and bleeding but my teeth were still there.

At UMD Shock Trauma they cut my jeans off (but saved my new patagonia green fleece!) and checked my spine and pupils. I had been shivering from shock but the morphine helped with that, and by the time they were xraying (chest, left leg, ankle, foot) it had worn off and I was shaking again. They gave me another two mg and it felt bitter through my body, but then I was warm.

A doctor came and stitched up my lip and a crazy volunteer came and talked to me while I waited for the xrays to come back. The guy in the next bed had had a stroke or a fall after a stroke but was really chatty. A cop was brought in who'd been in a collision and had some pain in his back but seemed like he would be ok.

Xrays were negative. Two (different) sergeants came by and took a statement and told me the bike was at the police station. At first I heard the guy who hit me was FBI but then someone said something about a 'task force' and all I could think was I got hit by the guys they based the Wire on. They sent me home with crutches which I haven't used at all and an Rx for oxycodone which I took two of and then felt like throwing up, though it might have been from hitting my head. All in all I have a bruised and maybe sprained left lower leg, scrapes and two stitches on my lip, badass bruise on my knee (from hitting the top tube on my bike as he hit me), and a small scrape and a bruise on my right ankle and hip. I expected a lot of whiplash soreness the next morning but really, it's been fine. I kind of look like a turtle or a giraffe, though, with my lip all poofy on top.

Everyone's been so great; Bonnie got me from the ER, Tarik brought chocolate, and Nick and a few others have called or stopped by. Edith and I went and got the bike on Saturday and it seems fine - which is sort of surprising and sort of not, considering he hit my leg and not the bike. I have some pics I'll post after I hook up the camera.

My helmet saved my head and my nose. Please wear your helmets.

1 comment:

  1. Ack! Thank god you're okay. So sorry you had to go through that.

    And I second the call to wear helmets. Yeah, yeah, people can cite anecdotes about someone who was saved by NOT wearing a helmet, but the fact is, the odds are not in your favor that way.

    Bonne recuperation (or whatever those wacky frogs say)!
