Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Really Really Fantastic Day

We had a nice evening out in DC with PC Gabon peeps from near and far, dancing at Ghana Cafe with no punch-out incidents like last time, although Edith did have her ATM card stolen by a quickfingered Adams Morgan drug addict when she walked away from the machine a little too early. So Ghana Cafe's record is still one of fun with a cost.

But that's not even the good part. We went and met Faith Saturday morning, and she is FANTASTIC. Too skinny, very nudgy and loves people, knows how to pee outside and hang out in a crate and sit, and a big loveydovey. I'm gonna love her and feed her and socialize her, if she accepts our house during the 'home visit' tomorrow morning. Am not foreseeing many problems there as our fence is structurally sound and we don't have any tubs of antifreeze sitting out.

After meeting Faith (we will change her name) I drove over to Mt Airy to the bike shop. First thing I hear is "Hey, cool fixie!". Mt Airy is near Frederick and um not so many fixies out there so we are still cool. Larry looks at the bike and says "Can you come back in an hour?" and I'm stupified with happiness. I go to Target and get a few things and come back and THE BIKE IS GOOD AS NEW. The rear was 2 inches out of alignment, the worst he's ever seen, the fork was also messed up, and he replaced my classic seatpost with a new lighter one with a single bolt adjustment, and made a little collar for it. Then all the shop guys had to take a spin on the bike. "One foot no hands," that's the test, he said, riding it nice and straight. Amazing. So I got my baby back and a new one on the way and all is excellent in the world again. Sean and Marin came over for tacos and we watched the original 3:10 to Yuma, which I was not awake for and might watch again this evening with Hope.

I have pics also of the Blik decorating we have done but I think the cable is at work...will post tomorrow before I leave for Geneva!

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