Monday, March 31, 2008

Weeds n Mulch

I am kinda sore from weeding on Saturday and mulching the front bit. Once the little trees start flowering and stuff I'll take a picture, it'll be nicer.

We had an EXCELLENT time at the Burlesque show on Saturday. Local heroes Trixie Little and the Evil Hate Monkey integrated their classic number, "Total Eclipse of the Heart" into an entire show called "Dial P for Pasties". The thin plot was thickened by superb fake accents (English, French and Texan) and running drivel from Mortimer Marmaduke Esquire, who stole the show. Lucky T. Morrow was fabulous as the curvy detective agency sidekick, and Trixie's trapeze number was seriously impressive. Audience participation was funny but not-too-shocking! The dramatic moment came at the end when the detectives finally found the golden pasties, only for the stickum to fail, forcing Trixie into a manual override.

Hopefully they'll take this show to DC or New York and others will get to see it. I haven't laughed that much in a loooong time.

I also took Kima to obedience class for the first time, and she managed to not eat the other doggies! Woohoo! She laid down and sat and stood and walked and watched really well. It's just unfortunate how afraid she is, but hopefully getting used to being around other dogs will be super helpful for her overall. I already noticed a little improvement on her walk this morning (and it's almost more training of us owners than training the dogs). I was also relieved that what I've been doing when she gets freaked out has been the correct strategy - getting her attention on me, away from the other dog, and having her sit and down to learn to focus on me. Petit a petit.

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