Monday, May 26, 2008

Yes, Better

Feeling much better about the whole Kima thing. I will not have to put her down. Sure enough with a little tenacity and diligence she is getting the hang of heeling on walks. She can even "go home" to her bed, whever it is, and stay there for at least a little bit (and longer if we are right there). A friend from work who trains a lot with her German Shepherds said she's pretty smart (which I knew!). She even likes the treadmill (liver is magical like that).

She's going to 'camp' for two weeks when I'm in Mali and hopefully that won't mess her up too bad...the trainer recommended it so I'm hopeful.

Of course...this week is a mess with pig roast and bday prep and huge amounts of things to do and people to check in with before I leave for Mali. Not everything will get done, I know that much.


I made a muxtape. Not sure what the significance of 'mux' is, but it's basically a mixtape. You create an account and can make one mix at a time from any mp3 you have, and no one can download the songs (though there are links to buy them online).

Current faves Deer Tick, Justin Jones, and Eef Barzelay make appearances. It's sort of the "Sons of Townes" mix.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Work Cut Out

In this period of complete despair, bad luck and neverending personal life incompetence, I just keep listening to Deer Tick's "Dirty Dishes". Find it at Hype Machine.

Kima was evaluated yesterday and I spent the rest of the day crying. But just remember, "things could be/so much worse."

Friday, May 16, 2008

I've been waiting for the GD bus all day

Thanks for brightening my funky yucky day!

Boo to American Express customer service thinking I am stealing my own identity and boo hiss to GD IT people who think they are the only ones who know how to remove paper jams from the GD printer and are super snotty about it. I think I am old enough to know how NOT TO ELECTROCUTE MYSELF by now, thank you very much!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pig Drama In My Head

The other night, after I had called a second farm to get a price for the pig, even though I had already ordered the one through farm #1, I had a nightmare that I ended up ordering two pigs, and couldn't 'unorder' either of them because it was the day before the roast and they'd already been butchered.

I got a call back from farm #2 today and his price is about $150 cheaper than farm #1. So I confirmed with him (nightmare coming true!!!!), then quickly called farm #1 with a white lie about mechanical problems. "Oh, that's too bad!" she said (guilt! shame!). "I'll just cancel your order, that's no problem. The pig's still alive so no worries!".


Am still pickling in my own shame but at least nobody is hurt, right? Am sure I will make amends somehow this summer by going to farm #1 and buying expensive organic bratwurst.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day on Animal Planet

Lonely lioness adopts tiny baby antelope in freaky obsession. Edith and I were continuously gasping at each other last night. The epilogue was particularly jarring - she went on to to adopt five more baby oryx before the team lost track of her.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Camping Chili

I don't remember this recipe well, but now that camping season is upon us:

2 cans trader joes chili
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can red beans
chili powder
whatever squash/zucchini are lying around. we may have sauteed the veggies prior to setting out on the road with some onion.
2 pouches soy crumble
two pouches minute boil in bag rice - throw in at the end, or if you just have regular rice, put in at the beginning and add more water.
garlic powder, black pepper
garnish with shredded cheddar cheese

serves 6?

Roast Chicken with Carrot Onion Puree

From Julia:

Preheat oven to 325

Slice 3-4 carrots and 1.5 onions

Season the cavity with butter, salt, pepper, tarragon
Rub outside of chicken with butter

Cook onion and carrot in oil/butter for 5 min, add salt and tarragon.
Salt chicken and put in pot with veggies, baste with oils

Cover pot with foil and heat on stove till chicken starts sizzling.

Roast 1:10 - 1:20 depending on weight, basting a few times.

Remove chicken, add 2 cups broth to veggies, and boil for a few minutes. Puree all that and put over carved chicken.


Kima did her sit-down-sit-stand-down-stand test perfectly today at our last class! She got a diploma and a stuffed squirrel and big "great job" from Allie the trainer. Of course she wasn't at all interested in the toy until tonight when she started shaking it like the vermin it represents :)

Then we went down to K9 Koncepts today and it was a bit of a mess - I think that they're so used to aggressive dogs that the language they used about 'you gotta correct', 'gotta break her down first' just really turned me off. Eventually they clued in to my reluctance to dive right into prong collars and were explaining they would focus more on food rewards with us, but within five minutes of us getting there Roland wanted to test Kima with another feisty german shepherd and asked my permission to use corrections with her. I wasn't ok with that and said no, and so then they did a demo with one of their dogs and then sat me down in front of a Cesar Milan video. I'm sure their methods work great and might even work with Kima, but if I'm not comfortable with the approach I won't be able to implement it.

We have another appointment for an evaluation with a certified behavioralist who used to study fetal hemoglobin and malaria before going to vet school. I liked her approach a lot thanks Mr President, your stimulus package will go directly into dog training, one way or the other.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

OMG Dalmatians on youtube

There goes the last half hour of work.


I am _this_ close to reserving a pig for the roasting on May 31st. Valerie at Springfield Meats is awesome and ready to provide one happy little piglet (and they're only 20 miles away!). The farm's been going for over 300 years.

There are some other options too, but further away. Fortunately most pigs up to 80 lbs can fit in a long cooler, even if their little trotters are sticking out!

Hooray for pig roasts!

Kima update

Good news first. She slept all night in my room last night! She lurves the sheepskin from Ikea, it's the softest.

Also, we are doing really well at obedience class and she is much improved at walking nicely on the leash.

So the unpleasant...

Last weekend another dog came walking by the fence at the playground we hang out at, and Kima managed to squeeze through a small gap to start trying to bite him. It sounded terrible and of course was frightening for me and the other dog's owner. She bit him on the hindquarters and peeled off and then came to me, and we established that no skin had been broken and the dogs were ok - the owner was great about it, actually. As we were walking away Kima bit me on the calf but didn't break skin (second time she's done this when aroused by nearby dogs).

Obedience class was an hour later and she was actually much better behaved, and really was able to focus and work, with only a couple brief outbursts.

I've arranged to get her evaluated by a woman who does a lot of work with reactive dogs - she has her own rescue dog who helps with the process, and she approaches things very scientifically. She even studied fetal hemoglobin and malaria in grad school! It's not cheap but both the SPCA trainer and I think it'll be a really good thing for her, and give me some solid ways to manage her.

Poor Kima. So scared of other poopers she tries to get them first.