Thursday, May 8, 2008

Kima update

Good news first. She slept all night in my room last night! She lurves the sheepskin from Ikea, it's the softest.

Also, we are doing really well at obedience class and she is much improved at walking nicely on the leash.

So the unpleasant...

Last weekend another dog came walking by the fence at the playground we hang out at, and Kima managed to squeeze through a small gap to start trying to bite him. It sounded terrible and of course was frightening for me and the other dog's owner. She bit him on the hindquarters and peeled off and then came to me, and we established that no skin had been broken and the dogs were ok - the owner was great about it, actually. As we were walking away Kima bit me on the calf but didn't break skin (second time she's done this when aroused by nearby dogs).

Obedience class was an hour later and she was actually much better behaved, and really was able to focus and work, with only a couple brief outbursts.

I've arranged to get her evaluated by a woman who does a lot of work with reactive dogs - she has her own rescue dog who helps with the process, and she approaches things very scientifically. She even studied fetal hemoglobin and malaria in grad school! It's not cheap but both the SPCA trainer and I think it'll be a really good thing for her, and give me some solid ways to manage her.

Poor Kima. So scared of other poopers she tries to get them first.

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