Saturday, June 28, 2008

Leftover Roast Pork Ragu Hodgepodge

What to do with the 2 lbs or so leftover roast pork that I can't bear to make into sandwiches anymore and that probably needs a lot of recooking anyways?

Ragu Hodgepodge!

Most ragus call for a mix of ground pork and beef and lamb - they're the original one pot all day dinner. So I grabbed some leftovers and things from the fridge and here's what happened:

Saute one large onion and three carrots in oil and butter.

Add your 1 lb ground beef and cook just until not red anymore. Make sure pieces aren't too chunky.

Glug in one half bottle of Bourgogne Pinot Noir that remarkably has not turned to vinegar despite being opened and left in the heat (corked) for over a month. Simmer till evaporated.

Add your pork which it is helpful to chop beforehand, instead of forgetting and then fishing out most of the pieces by hand with a fork.

Add 2 cups milk and simmer till evaporated, mostly. Try not to worry that it looks a little ugly right now.

Finally, put in some nutmeg and three large cans of diced tomatoes. Rejoice that things look a little more normal.

Laugh as dog hunts fly in kitchen.

Take nap, and hope that bottom of the pot doesn't burn.

Final verdict: Tastes like ragu with bacon!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that ends up fishing things out of pots for further chopping.
