Monday, August 18, 2008


So after reading the Kingsolver book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, I wanted to make my own mozzarella. We found citric acid and low-temperature pasturized milk easily at the health food store and then went to my high school physics teacher's world foods store to find the rennet.

The instructions say to heat and then add the rennet, stir for just a minute, and then let it curdle. I wasn't convinced that the curd had actually set (below).

But then I cut it with a knife and lordamercy it had worked!

I was then too occupied with straining the whey off and kneading the mozzarella to take pictures, but here's how it ends up. I recommend NOT forgetting the crucial step of adding salt.

Kingsolver claims this takes 30 minutes but it was more like an hour.

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