Thursday, September 25, 2008

Too Lazy. Or Something.

I made the carrots for dinner tonight and then munched on crackers and a nice Trader Joe's cheddar that Edith seems to have forgotten about. I meant to go to the grocery store TWICE this week and so far, haven't left the house once I've gotten home except to walk Ms. Kima. This means I am making funny little dinners (ok, tonight was funny - last night's risotto with pesto and sauteed um fried-in-olive-oil chicken was DELICIOUS) to use up things that are sitting around.

Work is nutso this week with proposal and partners dropping in and out and in and out and me being all responsible for the freaking 14 million dollar budget (responsible as in, I have to MAKE THIS SHIT UP). Not that it's not all going to change 100% next week, and then after we present the whole idea to the donor, who is involved with some computer software you may use every day, and who want to put different partners together so that they can Control The World.

Also I've been enjoying ThursdayNightSmackdown WAAAAAY too much and now am starting to blog like her. So sorry Moms about the swearing.

Also, the Couric interview with Palin is making me sick to my stomach. And also gleeful. Oh, schadenfreude...

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