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Not sure if you can tell but they are a despondant shade of pink salmon, the color of a slightly overcooked fillet. Not terrible, but you know, kinda meh.
I had it in mind to re do them at some point, and that point came up this weekend. I had picked up some el cheapo yet oh-so-scandinavian fabric at Scandinavia-R-Us (Ikea) a few weeks earlier, and I finally got myself a staple gun. A little internet googling found me some directions on how to go about this task, which is dead easy, let me tell you.
Step 1: Remove the four screws from underneath the chair to release the seat part.
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Step 2: Remove the many staples with needlenose type pliers.
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Check it out - foam and batting (I think that's what you call that white stuff)!
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Step 3: Cut out your piece of new fabric and lay your seat on it. Start stapling!
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We run out of pictures at this point because I really like stapling. Start at one end, tack that side down, then pull the opposite end taut and staple that down. Then do your corners. Keep everything pretty taut and fold bits of it as you go around to keep everything looking nice. You can kinda see what I mean in the first picture here of the old seat.
Step 4: Screw the seat back in.
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Ta dah!
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Those ideas on re-doing the chairs are awesome but I am thinking of buying new ones and I already chose the dining room chairs at Ballard Designs.