Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wascally Wabbit

The egg dudes at the Sunday market said they had rabbit, so I got one. Biked it home in a bag of ice cubes in the Peugeot's front wire basket, how very Frooonncchhhe of me.
Nick and Johanna came over to help eat it. Cutting it up wasn't very hard at all, its little shoulder blades were easy to find, belly and ribs were self-explanatory, there was hardly an ounce of fat on it to confuse things. Following Julia Child's instructions for cutting, and Jamie Oliver's instructions for grilling, it turned out quite well.

From Food

Marinate in olive oil, lemon juice, rosemary, thyme, garlic, honey as grill heats. Here you can see the rib pieces (bottom left), skewered belly with bacon, kidneys, and the two pieces of saddle or loin (cut perpendicular to the backbone) at the top right.

Start the back legs first:
From Food

Despite soaking, skewers catch on fire:
From Food

Baste with thyme sprigs on a skewer, because HOT:
From Food

Flame flame flame:
From Food

From Food

Beautiful tomato salad!
From Food

It was super delicious, props to Jamie, we ate the whole thing along with N&J's potato salad and some peach cobbler.

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