Thursday, December 31, 2009


Der te der, what's this? Leftover wild mushroom risotto? Dearie me, I seem to be forming it into golf ball sized forms, and stuffing it with a little piece of mozzarella, oh my goodness.

From Food

Nooo, the dreaded flour-egg-Panko triple threat!

From Food

It spares no fingers!
From Food

Phew, at least someone is making sure we are eating green leafies around here.

From Food

and their steamy stems, too!
From Food

Deep Fried Risotto Alert! At 370 degree F, these turned golden in .6 seconds, but didn't burn like I thought they would, even after about a minute. Probably I just need to fry more things, right? Right??

From Food

Ah yes, our complete tapas meal, "Tuscan" bread from Whole Foods, white-bean/rosemary/garlic spread (thanks Jamie Oliver), Swiss Chard, and a few delectable arancini (the technical term for 'fried leftover risotto balls'). We have blurred the photo to protect the innocent.

From Food

Food photos courtesy of new schnazzy camera!

Christmas Food Blog

We ate so many good things at Christmas, but I only took a few pictures. We arrived four days late due to the Baltimore snowstorm, but started the holiday off right with roast pork in milk curd sauce, an italian dish. The next night was lamb loin, cardoon gratin (too bad I didn't get any pictures, cardoons are wacky - they look like barbed celery, which, not endearing AT ALL) and rosti (a swiss shredded potato cake sauteed in its weight in butter).

Christmas Eve we made lobster ravioli with the remains of a five-pound lobster that a student of my Dad's brought him, in thanks for helping him through a tough job search, and two salads. One was fennel and parsley; the other, a tricolore salad with a buttermilk chive dressing.

Then the GOOSE.

From Food

Take one goose. Stuff some prunes with duck foie gras.

From Food

Now, put those in the goose. Roast your goose, mostly on its side, turning it like one does in a tanning booth for extra golden color. Apply hot water from time to time to keep the pores open and the goose schvitzing.

From Food

Meanwhile, make a mushroom soup using approximately 8 lbs of butter and 1lb of mushrooms. The pomegranate is for scale, and also to go with the roasted butternut squash cubes + cilantro. This was delicious, btw, and sorry, no pictures. Dad made up the recipe.

From Food

Also meanwhile, make some twice-baked potatoes. Paprika, we have decided in the end, is basically sine qua non, even if Mom thinks it looks tacky. Note additional butter on top, after having stirred in 2 sticks of it during the mashing process.

From Food

Ah yes, the goose must now be done.
From Food

Throw in some spinach cooked in butter (of course) for some greenness on the plate, while you're at it. Finish it all off with lemon tart to cut the butter. Ha! Just kidding. There's butter in there too.

From Food

Most of these recipes from Julia Child. The goose was delicious, very very very dark meat. The squash/pomegranate/cilantro was amazing. The buttered mushrooms, potatoes, and spinach - well, let's just say, I've never been happier to be full of butter. Dee-lish.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

1. Bike to work as much as possible.
I basically took the whole fall off, and didn't start again until the car was up in Philly between Christmas and New Year's. Even in the cold and wind of late December it was nice to get some exercise, and the streets were not so scary, as long as I stayed on Fallsway and Guilford.

2. Cook really delicious things more often.
This won't be as hard when Joshua and I are in the same house all the time, but until then, even when he's not around, I want to cook more fun things.

3. Run, climb, and walk Kima a lot. I've been so far mostly successful by biking to work and running on days that I didn't bike.

4. More tricks with Kima. I have all these books, and I have a clicker, and really, the more training the better!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I found some porcini at home yesterday that were still good (another package was infested with grubs). So I zipped up to Eddies to get some crimini mushrooms and started this mushroom risotto recipe from Gourmet (via Epicurious). The best part is you can make the leftovers into fried risotto balls with melting mozzarella in the middle.

Mushroom Risotto
yield: Makes 4 to 6 servings
active time: 45 min
total time: 1 hr
This recipe serves 4 as a main course after you set aside 3 cups to make the mushroom and mozzarella arancini or the mushroom risotto cakes.... more ›


1 oz (28 g) dried porcini (1 cup)
3 3/4 cups hot water
5 1/4 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth (42 fl oz)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon olive oil
3/4 stick (6 tablespoons) unsalted butter
1 small onion, finely chopped (1 cup)
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3/4 lb fresh cremini mushrooms, trimmed and thinly sliced
1 lb Arborio rice (2 1/3 cups)
2/3 cup dry white wine
1 oz finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano (1/2 cup)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

Special equipment: parchment paper (if reserving some risotto for another recipe)
Garnish: Parmigiano-Reggiano shavings

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The importance of background music

You all have seen countless video clips with dramatic background music highlighting development issues in Africa. This one's a little different, and a welcome change!