Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dance Dance Revolution

I only have fun dancing in Africa, specifically in Bamako. We had drinks on Claudia's roof last night then went out to the Monte Cristo nightclub, which is newly renovated (and next door to PSI's original offices). The Congolese music and the salsa had been playing at Claudia's and continued at the club. I LOVE Congolese music. It reminds me of selling condoms in Ndende and having a good time with my buddies around a table full of empty Regab bottles. Areana and I danced until 3:30 in the morning. That never happens in the States. I don't know why. Ok – so I will admit that here I tend to consume more alcohol since I am never driving home. But that’s not the whole story.

This makes me wonder about that split personality - Bamako/Gabon H vs US H. Here I will go up to random strangers and quiz them about their jobs to see if they're Russian mafia (they were Air France execs). I know it has something to do with my increased sense of my own (comparative) attractiveness here, and my hankering for spy-type activities (and ability to carry them out). My social confidence is greater here than in the States. And because of my Peace Corps experience and Bambara ability I feel I understand my surroundings much better than I often do in the US, where I'm thrust into work situations that fancier than I am used to on an almost daily basis. Here I have things to show and teach people - at home I am still learning. Here I'm a point person and in Baltimore and DC I'm the one asking for directions and advice.

So - the goal: being more like Bamako H in the US (without the hangovers, hopefully).

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