Monday, April 9, 2007

Light Speed in Mali

I got to Mali Monday night. Tuesday afternoon there was a meeting to talk about activities for Malaria Month, which is April. One of the participants was Fanta Coulibaly, an actress in a Malian soap-opera called "D'ou la Famille". We thought hey, maybe we can get malaria messages into the soap, wouldn't that be cool? So we called up the director/writer and he came right over. Thought it was a great idea, except for one thing: filming had finished a year ago! But maybe we could film some skits to air right before the series?

Super, no problem. We agreed on a price and he went home while Djiba and Kouressy went over to the TV station to negotiate broadcast fees. Sidibe (the director) came back the next day for his malaria messages - 4 in total, one for each sketch, to air weekly during April. The first one had to air the following friday. It was Thursday.

Over the weekend Sidibe wrote 4 scripts, presented them to us on Monday, filmed the whole thing (12 minutes total) on Tuesday, edited on Wednesday, screened them for us Thursday, and we aired on Friday, as hoped for. I think we set a world record for fastest production - from concept to airdate - in Africa. When else do you go on a 10-day trip and get to see the beginning AND end of your work?

Plus, the sketches are really funny. L'Hadji, the father, is so incensed by malaria that he comes out of the house with his large-caliber rifle, wanting to shoot all the mosquitos. Sidibe is the Man.

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