Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nick is right

I think at some point I was saying to Nick that salt was salt. Nick said no, this is incorrect, salt is NOT salt. Try Balinese sea salt, for example. And I still resisted, because I am stubborn and contrary.


I went to Glarus Chocolatier, across from Whole Foods in Harbor East (dangerously close to work, mind you), to get a little gift box for our new malaria teammate Alison. I saw that they had bars of chocolate with sea salt (which I know and love because of Vosges). So I got one for me, along with her box of truffles (one of which is lavender!).

It is chocolate with Balinese Sea Salt and eeet eeez deeeeleeeshus.

And also awesome because the salt crystallizes into a little four sided pyramid, which is called a "square pyramid". I had to look that up and was really hoping for a more latin name, like "quadratrihedron" or something. Kind of disappointing.

But - take away message - Nick is right. About salt.

Photo credit: Big Tree Farms

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