Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pet Peeves

1) Plastic electronics packaging that cannot be opened without sharp implements. Inevitably, this leads to cutting oneself on the hard plastic. People, can we not instead use higher-tech hidden alarm-setter-offers to foil would-be thieves?

[Sidenote: Opening something like this always reminds me of Steve Martin's Shouts and Murmurs piece for the New Yorker, "Designer of Audio CD Packaging Enters Hell" way back in 1999. Which of course someone in physics at Ohio State has reproduced for your reading pleasure.]

2) People who don't use their turn signals.

3) People at the climbing wall who talk too loudly about beta. I know, this one is unkind. But no one needs to hear your advice for getting up that 5.8.

1 comment:

  1. i also am anti non turning signal using mofos. seriously.
