Monday, March 7, 2011

Mashed Potato Fail

Spectacular breakdown in the kitchen late last night when I poured the full recipe amount of milk and butter into the mashed potatoes. This was after having used the wrong size grater on the mouli-mill, which didn't let potato peel go through, and literally mashed the potatoes flat in its mechanism. A series of poor decisions. By me. And then everything could have been at least salvaged if I had held back just a bit of the milk and butter. When it all went in and turned to liquid mashed potato I lost my shit. Such rage and fury over mashed potatoes! I now fully comprehend the expression 'blind with rage'. Implements and utensils were thrown, walls were punched, I lost my mind.

Of course then one's freakout turns into freaking out about having the freakout. And my MO in these situations is to always extrapolate the problem over the extreme long term. E.g., breakups were not just the loss of a relationship but the certainty that I was totally and utterly incapable of being in any relationship. And throwing tantrums in the kitchen means that I will certainly spear any future progeny with a fork in the midst of a rage over some small unfortunate event. Which is tragic! And yet, HAS NOT HAPPENED. Is a complete fiction. And is overwhelmingly likely to remain in the realm of fiction.

Losing your shit: fucking scary, and ridiculous. And not a good indicator of future-shit losing. Especially since now I have resolved to always peel the damn potatoes beforehand, use the right gauge on the mouli-mill, and to always pour in the butter and milk a little bit at a time.

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