Sunday, March 13, 2011


Leftover red beans and rice, a run,
dropped the bike off for a tuneup (incredibly expensive)
a new pillow, to see if it helps truly align my neck
Keller's pappardelle with wild mushrooms,
for which
I used Jamie Oliver's pasta dough recipe
(since it called for 6 whole eggs instead of 14 egg yolks)
and used the pasta machine with the motor attachment
a nice improvement
although, when putting the dough through on setting 5
the dial turned itself back to 4
trying to force me into a thicker noodle
Josh stood guard over the dial
to get a nice translucent sheet at setting 5.

also there were bran muffins
so good with salted butter
and some greens on saturday night, cooked in the wok
whose hidden plant bug did not escape in time
and ended up between my teeth
not his fault
but it kind of ruined the greens for me.
we fed them to the worms instead
so their biopotential was not wasted.

in between, fun with Stata, and peach ice cream
with frozen peaches from last summer, using David
Lebovitz's recipe, which includes sour cream
I suppose to give it that 'peaches and cream'
flavor -
but mostly just tastes like sour cream.

now we are just
waiting for
the daffodils to grow taller
and for Edith
to be matched into a residency program!

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