Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekend Update

A truly enjoyable 25 mile bike ride with Sean, a tour of Baltimore's private schools including one very large, long hill that me and my lowest gear did not see eye to eye on;
ensuing sunburn;
a new best-ever porkchop from SuperFresh, via Sean and Marin's grill (with perfect grillmarks, natch);
A trip to said SuperFresh, whereupon I left my iPhone in the shopping basket and drove all the way home;
But the kind grocerypeople turned it in and sent my friends a message on Facebook to let me know they had it;
pretty awesome;
Drinks and lunch and catching up with good friends;
thanks to cost-savings somewhere else, negotiating a business class ticket for me and my colleague on this next trip to Tanzania, which should make a good first impression on him;
determining that extra days in Uganda in August can certainly be well spent;
and the mundane: pancakes and NYT and getting Kima's nails trimmed and lamb chops and laundry;
and finding tenants to take over our lease in September! Check plus!

T minus 3 days till J's final draft of Paratexts R' Us goes to the committee!

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