Saturday, December 3, 2011

Real Changes

1. None of my pants fit anymore, except my very stretchy made-for-rock-climbing one-size-too-big Prana jeans.
2. Not entirely comfortable riding my road bike, so it has been retired to the basement while the old upright mixte Peugeot is getting a tune-up in preparation for winter use around Philly.
3. Flutters? Gas? Muscle twitches? Fetal movement? unclear.
4. Awaiting arrival of first attempt at maternity clothes. Not sure what I will wear to the big conference all this week, besides my comfy maternity tights and dresses.

In other news. need to cut about 15 slides from a last-minute presentation I get to give in front of a variety of VIP Tanzania government types on Wednesday. Politically sensitive issue. But should be doable.

And Josh is chaperoning his first high school dance...I will let him blog about this experience later on.

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