Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Air Vents

are very handy for overhearing my boss and my other boss on conference calls that I don't necessarily want to sit in on. Fortunately it's not really spying, since they would be happy for me to be on the calls most of the time.

We are working on this proposal, and last night it was a dog's breakfast. Our evaluator took it home last night and formatted it and added several pages of pristine, succint and supportive content. I think he's a demon sent from outer space to taunt us with his overwhelming productivity.

It snowed about two inches last night, big fluffy ice crystals that were easy to sweep off the car this morning. It looked like movie snow, or PVC shavings. Took the car into the Honda dealership for a checkup and oil change and found out it will cost me $130 bucks to get a replacement key (lost the other one at bowling a while back). Damn, Gina. I guess one has to weigh:

likelihood of losing key again (small)
how much calling locksmith/tow truck will cost (huge)

so maybe $130 is a good investment.


  1. "Dog's breakfast"? Never heard that one! What does it mean?

    PS Thanks for the link!

  2. Apparently it's an Australian term for 'total mess'. My family's used it for ages though. At a recent M&E meeting in Zambia an Australian from WHO used it and was met with blank looks from everyone - so don't feel bad!
