Saturday, February 17, 2007

Guns and Shovels

Feeling pretty proud of myself for getting the car out of the parking spot it's been iced into since Tuesday. Peter and I were making fun of this girl in a sportscar the other day who got stuck, and generally, of people who don't know how to rock and not spin their wheels. My car was in an angled parking space pointing slightly downward - but I had a secret weapon. At some point, perhaps before I moved to Baltimore, someone gave me a military shovel, the kind that folds up and you dig foxholes with when the enemy is firing at you in a) icy tundra or b) a forest setting. I guess I thought I would use it for camping but of course I never did. Now it has finally served its purpose, slicing through sheets of ice and carving out a nice path for my front wheels to grab. It was nice using my hands, the snick and crunch of blade through snow and ice, and the satisfying crack as the blocks broke up and skittered away under the car.

Now I can use the car to go to Virginia and shoot guns at the NRA Range, and then go skating. Supa-dupa.

1 comment:

  1. So you really were goin' shootin'! What kind of shooting? I used to shoot some skeet with my coworkers, years ago. It was great fun and surprisingly, I wasn't half bad. I miss it. Little known fact about me. :)
