Sunday, February 18, 2007


We went shootin' Saturday with Thuy and Wes, Mary Beth and Meghan. And Thuy's friend Stephen. First two targets I got 7/13 in the black (at 15 feet), and the next two targets were slightly less great. We were shooting Thuy's 9mm service weapon which had NO SAFETY. That's right - he likes to live on the edge. Instead it had something called a decocking lever which served more or less the same purpose. The picture here is pretty close to what it looked like. For those that haven't shot before, it was loud (we were in the NRA's underground range), and actually there were a lot more women this time than last time (Dec 05). I attributed this to the new Democratic Congress but you may have your own theories. It was a little scary walking in there and handinling the gun again for the first time, but of course pretty soon we were shooting off rounds and loading clips like it was nothing. MB unfortunately caught a shell down the front of her shirt and was waving the gun all over as she shimmied to get the thing to drop down out of her cleavage, but no one was hurt and she just has a little burn on her neck. I think everyone should shoot a gun at least once in a range - although then I wouldn't get those looks of 'OMG' when I tell people at the office what I'm doing over the weekend.

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